Refresh Your Resume and Get Hired
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Refresh Your Resume and Get Hired

As you get older, it's easy to feel that your resume is "out of date." But don't panic! There are some simple things you can do to refresh your resume.

As you get older, it's easy to feel that your resume is "out of date." But don't panic! There are some simple things you can do to refresh your resume.

Updating your resume is not as challenging as you think.

Here are some steps for getting started:

  • There are tons of resume templates available online, so you can easily find one that suits your needs.
  • You can get help from a friend or family member who has a bit more experience with this kind of thing.
  • If you're feeling really nervous about updating your resume yourself and are worried about not making any mistakes, consider using a professional resume writer. They'll make sure everything is correct before sending it over to employers.

Focus on accomplishment

When writing about your accomplishments, keep in mind that employers care more about what you have done than what you learned.

Use action verbs to describe your achievements: Instead of saying “I was responsible for…” or “I performed…” use an active verb instead (e.g., improved, grew, streamlined). This will make it clear that it was not just something that happened but rather because of someone's actions (yours!).

And be sure to quantify these accomplishments as precisely as possible and avoid listing them with vague descriptions like "great communication skills" or "detail-oriented."

Highlight new skills

Highlight any new skills or knowledge you've picked up since leaving work as an older adult.

For example, if you recently took an online course on digital marketing, add it to your resume! This can show that you're keeping up with trends in your industry and staying current with new technologies.

Don't forget about volunteering!

Even if it wasn't paid experience, volunteering shows that you have an interest in working with others and contributing to society in general.

Lastly, make sure you update your resume on a regular basis so that it always reflects your current skills, experience, and accomplishments.

If you need further help creating your resume, check out our class: Create Resumes for Volunteering or Jobs.